Weight loss injections have become increasingly popular as a way to jump-start your weight loss journey and achieve rapid results. The risk of serious side effects is low when it comes to weight loss injections, but there are a few things you should understand before undergoing any kind of weight loss treatment. Whether you’re hoping to lose a few pounds or much more, the risks are the same. If you’re thinking about getting injections for weight loss, here’s what you should know about the risks and side effects associated with these treatments.

What is the risk of serious side effects with weight loss injections?

The risk of serious side effects with weight loss injections is low. However, if a person experiences any side effects, they should stop receiving the injections and contact their doctor immediately. The side effects listed below are rare, but they can occur. If you experience any of these side effects, stop receiving treatments and contact your doctor immediately.

  • Infection - If bacteria gets into the injection site, it can lead to a serious infection.

  • Allergic reaction - If you’re allergic to the medication used to flush out the fat cells, the injections may cause a severe allergic reaction.

  • Allergies - If you’re allergic to the lidocaine or other chemicals used to numb the area, the injections may cause an allergic reaction.

  • Nerve damage - The injections may cause nerve damage if they’re injected too close to the spine.

Bottom line

The risk of serious side effects with weight loss injections is low. If you’re considering getting injections for weight loss, be sure to discuss any concerns with your doctor and ask about the potential risks and side effects. With any weight loss treatment, it’s important to understand the risks and side effects associated with each option so you can make an informed decision about which treatment is right for you.